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Berluti CNY Origami Sheep Window Display
2015年,適逢中國羊年新年,香港專業摺紙藝術家陳柏熹先生(Kade Chan),與法國著名時尚品牌 Berluti 攜手合作,設計出以摺紙羊為主題的櫥窗裝飾,為 Berluti 品牌產品作新年推廣。
客戶 : Berluti (Paris Headquarter)
設計者 : 陳柏熹 (Kade Chan)
生產者 : Atelier 2A
2015 is the year of sheep in Chinese, Hong Kong professional origami artist Kade Chan cooperated with the world-famous fashion brand Berluti, designed the origami sheep window display to promote Berluti's products according to the CNY theme.
Client : Berluti (Paris Headquarter)
Designer : Kade Chan
Production house : Atelier 2A

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